Business Accounting

Business Accounting & Financial Reporting

Every organization, business or individual engaged in business activities desires to know the results of their business at the end of a given period of time.
Business managers requires progressive reporting on the performance of their businesses over time in order to make crucial decisions on the growth of their businesses. Shareholders, investors, suppliers and other stakeholders rely on financial reports prepared by the enterprises…
Financial reports can give quarterly, semi-annually or annual performance of business operations.

Among the most common financial statements are:-

  •  Income Statement
  • Statement of Financial Position
  • Statement of Cashflows
  • Statement of changes in equity

Other reporting areas of interest to many business enterprises are:-

  • Computation of taxable income,Business tax obligations,  Tax planning and reporting

To request this service please fill in this form and check on the required products.

Small Business Accounting 

 Small businesses continue to be the key driver of economic development both in developing and developed economies. Due to limited capital, many small business owners
try to juggle with all the functions of their organisations, from sales and marketing to purchasing, to HR management to accounting and bookkeeping.
In the end they are overwhelmed by all these responsibilities and eventually miss out the big picture,- that of growing the enterprise.
This product is aimed at helping you to focus more on running your business as we help you with nitty-gritty that goes with bookkeeping and accounts.
In this product, we take up all the major tasks of a full time or part time accountant on pre-agreed time slots, among which are the following services:

  • recording and updating your business cashbooks and bank accounts ledgers
  • recording and updating your purchases ledger
  • updating, reconciling your sales ledger, accounts payable, sending monthly statements to your clients
  • generating debtors and creditors reports of your customers and suppliers respectively
  • recording and updating the general ledger
  • preparing periodic cashflow projections for your business
  • preparing your Value Added Tax(VAT) returns, excise returns for manufactures, standards levy.
  • processing your staff payroll, processing your payroll taxes returns i.e. P.A.Y.E, Fringe benefix tax, NSSF returns, NHIF returns
  • processing your periodic income statement(profit and loss account), balance sheet and cashflow statements.
  • free consulting on areas that your business require more of your attention.

We offer all of the above services either at your office(onsite) or from our offices (offsite).

 To request this service please click here.

 Please select a hourly-package that best suits your needs, complete the form and send us the requested details.

To return to the main products page, please click here.

 Outsourced Accounting Service

 Many business organisations have seen the need for continued outsourced services and focus on their core business. This practice offers such organisations competitive edge in their production as well as the top of the industry’s best performaners.

You can choose to outsource our accounting services to suit your business accounting function. To learn how we work, please visit “How we work” page and see the various options available for you. We can still discuss other ways on how you would like the job done.

If you would like us to discuss more on this product or would like outsource this product, please fill out this FORM and send it to us.